Honey was found on 9/27 at 8:20pm by me on the 26th and 10th steps to The High Line in Chelsea as I was walking home. She came running down the stairs as a group of tourists were calling her. I called her too and she came. The tourists helped me make a leash and I promised not to take her to ACC because ACC in Manhattan kills quickly. With the help of my neighbor and my friend, Cat, I got her leashed properly and taken to the 24 hour vet to check for a micro chip. Honey did not have a micro chip and everyone who sees her says she was used to bits for breeding and then dumped. Eric and Kelly fostered her overnight. On Monday I took her to Dr. Fisch in Hell's Kitchen for her vaccines. Dr. Ficsh says she is 9 years old, needs to to be spayed and have a growth removed from her breast but is otherwise STRONG AND HEALTY! ALL 63 POUNDS OF HER! She is a LOVIE and very gentle and loves people. She has never once growled, snapped or barked since I've know her! Not even when the vet took her temperature you know where! Monday night my friend Rachel picked Honey up, thanks to an over night foster arranged with her friend Eva's friend Serena. Tonight Honey is staying with Rachel, but Honey NEEDS A HOME OR MORE PERMANENT FOSTER ASAP. I want Honey fully vetted for her new home!
****If you know of any kind firefighters or firehouses outside of the city, please contact me on the contact page of this site. I think Honey would make and excellent firehouse mascot. She loves to be around people, is highly intelligent, and would be a kind face to come home to after a hard day saving lives.****
****If you know of any kind firefighters or firehouses outside of the city, please contact me on the contact page of this site. I think Honey would make and excellent firehouse mascot. She loves to be around people, is highly intelligent, and would be a kind face to come home to after a hard day saving lives.****